Friday, September 9, 2011


Hello my fellow bloggers, all I'm here to say this morning is AMAZING! My throat and voice box have both just charged me with assault. I abused the heck out of them last night at the Nas and Lauryn Hill concert!

ONE thing you should all know about me is that I absolutely LOVE Ms. Lauryn Hill. From her appearance on Mary J. Blige's album in 1994 when she was only 19, to her most recent singles like "Repercussions" (2004 I think), I have the most utter respect for the original L Boogie as an artist. Despite all the controversy about her mental instability and her diva antics, I'm a devoted fan nonetheless. If there's anything I've retained from her music it's that no one is perfect, no matter how cliche that may sound right now...
What got to me the most about last night is the queen L just had a baby on July 23rd and she looks fantastic! She's still in shape, and still has so much energy for her fans.
Here's one of my fav performances of hers, not that you get to hear much of her amazing vocal abilities in this performance, but her personality shines through in this performance and her friendship with Ms. Blige is so apparent! LOVE YOU L BOOG.

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